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an intuitive tarot experience

Home: Welcome


Hello! My name is Coco. We may be getting to know each other but Tarot & I go way, way back.

I have been practicing Tarot since 2000. As a teenager, I became so fascinated with what I considered a mix of art and magic that I fell in love with it. Over time, it became more than a hobby - it became my passion. I used Tarot as a tool to strengthen my intuition, learn about myself, and help others. It felt good to aid people on a spiritual level, and so my passion grew.

As a lifelong student of Tarot, my aim is to give intuitive insight and to help others gain the clarity they need to make empowered decisions that are aligned with their desires. I am blessed and excited to share my years of study and experience to help others awaken their potential and realize their life goals and aspirations. I hope to be a part of your journey and help you do the same. 

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This was my first Tarot reading. I went in not knowing what to expect. l didn't feel any pressure to ask or answer anything...She is clear, concise, and very caring. She is very easy to talk to. She does not tiptoe around anything she sees on the cards. I appreciate honesty and she is very honest.



You are welcome to reach out with any questions or concerns.


Once again, I am happy to be a part of your journey.


Stay blessed, beloved!

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